Friday, December 16, 2022

Our Band

The travails of aware spirit

date back to find

the pearls of Vedas and Sangam

with the wit of Gargi and

the pride of Avvaiyar behind.

A glean into the gone

must reunite the women of today

to stand for self and all;

the verses must not fail the gamma

of the musings of Sikta, Surya, Yami, Apala.

Back to this time

she keeps her own band aside,

the fight can be won with others

but not with the women

who cripple her own inside.

Often venture into the time

perusing the Panchkanya,

the one that arms and disarms

equips and despoils from

Sita, Draupadi to Tara.

Belonging to Bharat,

to cognize ourselves, our band

is the soul of the verse,

to leverage all, not a few

with brains present and middle thew.

Warmth is the word 

for every woman to offer,

to rise inside and hold her band

a drop to soothe, a ground to land.

Wish, if this can form a face,

a vase to hold blossoms and

hold her case!

The Rain Hits The Wilted Weather

  The Rain Hits The Wilted Weather Seeing the days pass by with the form fluxing Each day a day of ringing ceremony. Time waiting to be chan...