Monday, February 27, 2023

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the NIOS and Samagra Siksha, Gujarat for Children with Special Needs

MoU between the NIOS and Samagra Siksha, Gujarat for the education of Children with Special Needs. These children need education need extra care and great amount of flexibilities in pursuing education. We are here to mainstream ...

Sunday, February 26, 2023

My Article in Hindustan Times depicting Educational Revival in Uttar Pradesh

My take in the Hindustan Times.. deciphering the rejuvenation of education in Uttar Pradesh

Advisory Meet for Onward plan for Quality education in Gujarat and DNH & DD

Discussions on the implementation of NEP took place. Amidst meaningful discussions with the Secy, Education, UT of DNH DD and VC, BAOU, it was a vital moment to present the onward plan for qualitative education and its hard spots in Gujarat & DNH & DD. Neat synch with the concerned depts. of the State and UT is critically expected to realise the sought improvement in education. All need to be together for nation-building.

Memorandum of Understanding between NIOS and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu

MoU between NIOS (GoI) and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu materialised for the education of UT dropouts. Massive work with hopes ahead...

Survey on educational levels in the inner pockets of Gujarat

Pics Part 2-Survey on educational levels in the inner pockets of Gujarat taken up. Lot of concentrated efforts required for providing hope to them for a better living. Mainstreaming them into education is the only key to nation building. Not a single child/adult should remain untouched.

Survey in Veraval, Gujarat

Survey on educational levels in the inner pockets of Veraval, Gujarat taken up. Lot of concentrated efforts required for providing hope to them for a better living. Mainstreaming them into education is the only key to nation building. Not a single child/adult should remain untouched. 

Pics display the need of education.

Education for Fisher Community

People involved in marine fishery for generations face various constraints in the completion of school education. Hence, Veraval dist. Gujarat dropouts and fisher community were mobilized for their educational mainstreaming. A Survey in their deep pockets was done to assess the ground requirements for their initiation into/completion of education.

Pics are from Veraval, Gujarat. 

The Rain Hits The Wilted Weather

  The Rain Hits The Wilted Weather Seeing the days pass by with the form fluxing Each day a day of ringing ceremony. Time waiting to be chan...