Thursday, May 28, 2009


Living like Frogs,
Frogged we are .
Just like every time ,water out of flow,
Somewhere logged we are !

Out of flow, out of shape, columns full of mishap,
Talk of irrelevant things, full of gap.
Nobody, but we are to blame,
As we are pointless, without any flame !

So-called intellectuals ,sit in their own well,
Talking of impractical things ;
Through Wiser mind's paper inspired to write,
Our life Rotten,caught by blight !

What We want is ,Real feel of realization,which
Aristophanes once defined,
With sense of proportion to be underlined !!


  1. What a deep practicality of our lives have been described !!!!
    Excellent,poise and wise work.

  2. Frogs sprinkled everywhere every now and then.


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