Thursday, May 28, 2009


Whenever I go alone
Seems as if me totally blown,
Give me power to do this aside
O God ,help me , stay by my side...

Knowing or don't Know about
Never was that nervousness to flout,
Always walking ,considering to have a ride
Do help me, stay by my side...

Yeah! gathering my strength
To push myself up to a proper length,
Telling all as if nothing to hide
O God, help me , stay by my side...

No rhythm or rhythmic
Yes,there was something to pick,
Understanding everything with this plight
Do help me, stay by my side...

Impart that power to glide and decide ,
Power to manage every wave with all it's tide!
To me, just give an ear --
God help me , stay by my side !!

1 comment:

  1. Rhyming Scheme is just funtastic.
    Awesome poem having deep meaning.


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